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    • The Valediction: Three Nights of Desmond

      The Valediction: Three Nights of Desmond

      Afghanistan was an American crusade to win the cold war against the “Evil Soviet Empire” and remake the world in its own image. Our telling goes right to the heart of understanding what really happened to America with the collapse of the Soviet Union. Instead of fulfilling the Western Dream, the US trapped itself in its own nightmare of endless war. Now Americans long for a spiritual regeneration towards peace. No one seems able to make the process move in the right direction. Over four decades we assimilated an understanding of how to envision moving from war as an honorable sacrifice to peace that serves all. Our two-part novelized memoir delivers a revelatory look at how we came to that awareness throughworldly and otherworldly encounters with many fascinating people along the way.                   -The Valediction: Three Nights of Desmond Book 1 combines Three Days of the Condor and JFK as journalist Paul Fitzgerald unravels the deep state mystery behind the unsolved 1979 assassination of U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan Adolph Dubs. Dubs’ death changed the world as much as JFK’s but few even know his name. In a serendipitous encounter at the Kabul Hotel during his investigation, Paul meets a mysterious ally who not only helps him solve the Dubs’ murder, he challenges Paul’s assumptions about why he was drawn to Afghanistan in the first place and what to do about it.  


    • Revelations: 	The True Story of Rev. Dr. Joseph Leo Theriault

      Revelations: The True Story of Rev. Dr. Joseph Leo Theriault

      The Rev. Dr. Leo Theriault is not only an Anglican priest, an erstwhile Roman Catholic priest, but a Doctor of Psychology—a recognized authority on psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, and group management. He knows the depth of sex scandals, why they occurred, and why the church is so ill-equipped to control the inequities. Leo may be considered a rogue priest, not in the typical interpretation of a malefactor against the creeds or liturgy of the Church, but as a foot soldier battling the evil manifestation of repugnant morals and mores within. With master’s in theology and doctorate in psychology, the Church hierarchy assumed they had a great defender in their midst against accusations. This was not to be. Leo fought child abuse from the podium, the pulpit, the couch, and the courts. The reader possibly will maintain or retain their peace of mind and assurance of their faith. Leo was a Ford Foundation Fellow.


    • Hope Restored

      Hope Restored

      A controversial Canadian politician details the extreme changes society must make to save itself This powerful book argues that the human species is at a tipping point when it is forced to choose between a New World Order fascist government committed to rapid depopulation or a world of peace and justice. Hellyer demonstrates that God is alive, well and everywhere, and that humanity's choice is between the Dark and the Light. To follow the Light means giving up atomic weapons, replacing the oil economy with clean zero-point energy developed by Americans in the 1960s, having governments create 34 percent of all new money for public purposes rather than borrowing it from the 62 elite banking families, a reconciliation of the two main branches of Islam, and a just settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian dispute to bring peace to the Middle East. Finally it will be necessary for all countries, races, and faiths, especially young people, to forgive past atrocities and work together in common purpose to save the heritage they have in common. BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY280 PAGES, 6 X 9FORMATS: TRADE PAPER, MOBIPOCKET, EPUBTRADE PAPER, $24.95 (US $24.95) (CA $29.95)PUBLICATION DATE: SEPTEMBER 2018ISBN 9781634241847RIGHTS: WORTRINE DAY (SEP 2018)CREDOS)


    • A Sorcerer's Apprentice

      A Sorcerer's Apprentice

      Follow the fascinating story of one man's journey into the realm of the fantastic: the CIA-sponsored psychic spies with the ability to extend their consciousness to accurately describe targets not only half a world away but to look into the future as well. It all sounded like science fiction to John Herlosky after reading an expose by former member of the CIA's Project Stargate, Dr. David Morehouse. Two years later, skeptical but intrigued by the possibilities implied, John entered the classroom of Dr. Morehouse to find out the truth—and never looked back. A Sorcerer's Apprentice is an autobiographical account of the author's experience learning the CIA-sponsored scientifically validated form of extrasensory perception called "remote viewing." The book chronicles the author's journey from interested skeptic to operational remote viewer working his first mission as well as his former life as a police officer and private military contractor. He takes you on a journey from the crushing depths and pathos of the wreck of the Titanic to the fate of a downed pilot missing for 19 years from the first Gulf War. Witness the personal turmoil as the author's long-held beliefs clash with the powerful implications of his experiences. BODY, MIND & SPIRIT280 PAGES, 6 X 9FORMATS: TRADE PAPERTRADE PAPER, $19.95 (US $19.95) (CA $23.95)PUBLICATION DATE: APRIL 2015ISBN 9781634240000RIGHTS: WORTRINE DAY (APR 2015)


    • Self-Portrait of a Scoundrel

      Self-Portrait of a Scoundrel

      A Kennedy insider steps out of the shadows with a riveting account of his life and escapades Released for the first time 16 years after his death, this startling autobiography by one of the so-called “three tramps” from the John F. Kennedy assassination reveals the details of Chauncey Marvin Holt’s many claims. Much mystery and suspicion still swirls around that fateful day in November 1963, and theories abound in nearly every form of media. But one of the major mysteries revolves around the three men spotted and later arrested in Dealey Plaza. Holt’s controversial confession to being one of the three tramps has a history of its own, and in his own words he delves into his unique and wild background and life. From his United States Air Force service during Pearl Harbor to his associations with the mob and the CIA, Holt discusses his experiences and encounters in great detail. From a man who truly lived a rare and unique life, the book explains the ins and outs of his associations with Lee Harvey Oswald and the assassination in this unique retrospective of a complex and occasionally dubious life. BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY608 PAGES, 5.5 X 8.5TRADE PAPER, $24.95 (US $24.95) (CA $27.95)PUBLICATION DATE: AUGUST 2013ISBN 9781937584375RIGHTS: WORTRINEDAY (AUG 2013)


    • You’re Not Alone: Three Trimesters of Stories About Surviving Loss

      You’re Not Alone: Three Trimesters of Stories About Surviving Loss

      This book is not just a single story from one person; it covers a vast cross section of both bereaved mothers and fathers, from all backgrounds. This highlights to the reader (if they have experienced loss) that they are not alone. They are given a community of support to help strengthen themselves against feelings of shame, guilt, depression, and isolation. They are given ideas about what might help them to manage their pain, and give them hope that the vastness of the despair they feel will not always engulf them so wholly. Not only does the book address aiding those who are grieving, but also, in donated proceeds, it helps to fund the research that will reduce these tragic instances in the future.


    • The Land of Broken Crystals: (And The Girl Who Knew Too Much)

      The Land of Broken Crystals: (And The Girl Who Knew Too Much)

      Jane’s exceptional psychic abilities made her the target of MK Ultra mind control systems beginning in the early 1960’s. Integral to breaking the mind and spirit of children is removing the loving mother from the family. When they took her mother, Jane was only seven. As a little girl she instinctively began a walkabout in the woods and fields around her house in Hanover, MA. Lifetimes of knowledge unfolded almost magically as she quickly learned to speak the language of animals, flowers, and trees. This is a natural ability we all have and our normal human state of being. This book reveals the shocking details of the Satanic forces in our world who are currently trying to genocide of children, and how you can claim your own shamanic powers—your ability to communicate with nature and traverse the magical worlds of power animals, angels—to fight back. After childhood she set out on a journey to find her mother, but soon realized she had lost the mother in her dreams. She had found peace until a woman with a thick blue vein down the center of her forehead stole her two children using trauma-based mind control. She was a psychopath intent on the destruction of Jane and her lineage. It was an ancient war reenacted between infidel and Christian. The story which unfolds is one of extreme loss, unfathomable grief, trips back in time, death-defying risks, magical horses, Snow White Owls, and attacks by demons, witches, and corrupt judges and guardians. But Love is the strongest force in the world and the ties between grandmother, mother, and daughters were more powerful. It is a journey you will never forget but would never want to live. Pre-Order: Projected Release date November 19, 2022




    • Sherlock Being Catfished (softcover)

      Sherlock Being Catfished (softcover)

      Sherlock Being Catfished is a memoir of a self-induced hypnosis, brilliantly choreographing a pas-de-deux with an internet “catfish” and allowing us to see a sensitive, lonely woman succumb to a devilish entrapment helplessly yet altogether knowingly. The story conveys a thrilling level of consciousness, overwhelmed yet in full knowledge of what is happening and even why, enabling Mellen author to speak in a manner that transcends her personal experience, to the universal vulnerability of the human heart. As the scam unfolds, she makes connections between present and past - the work she has done and people she has encountered over her decades of research, investigations and writing. Sherlock Being Catfished is an undeniably unique and penetrating look at the world of internet dating, and how anyone, regardless of their prolific life’s work and accomplishments, can fall victim to a romance scammer.


    • Remember Me: How Letters From My Civil War Uncle Helped Me Confront My Childhood CIA attacker

      Remember Me: How Letters From My Civil War Uncle Helped Me Confront My Childhood CIA attacker

      This provides a firsthand account of how the United States’ top-secret programs can negatively impact a family and what it was like to fight on the frontline of the Civil War, while also helping those from all walks of life who endured childhood trauma, and survive.


    • Wink Wink Nudge Nudge: Sexual Exploits and Secrets from Inside a Sugar Daddy Website

      Wink Wink Nudge Nudge: Sexual Exploits and Secrets from Inside a Sugar Daddy Website

      Fall into the sugaring underworld with Brook, who worked behind the scenes at notorious sugar daddy website SeekingArrangement while trying her own luck as a sugar baby. Part coming of age memoir and part exposé with a twist of grim dating advice, Brook’s story parallels her unusual relationship history with her ascension working for a pseudo-dating website designed to protect predatory men. Through media manipulation and dangerous lies, the company acts as an agency for sex trafficking and exploitation on an enormous scale. Her story points a spotlight on this dark corner of the internet and its insidious prominence in modern society. Between pressures from a controversial CEO and the confusion of navigating her own misguided sex work, she learns the truth about an evil machine that hides pedophiles in plain sight. Many underage sex trafficking reports from law enforcement and women’s centers cite a sugar daddy website as the root cause of abuse. A law was passed in 2018 called FOSTA-SESTA that holds websites criminally responsible for their part in facilitating the internet sex trade. So why aren’t these websites being investigated? Brook is wondering the same thing.


    • Sherlock Being Catfished (hardcover)

      Sherlock Being Catfished (hardcover)

      Sherlock Being Catfished is a memoir of a self-induced hypnosis, brilliantly choreographing a pas-de-deux with an internet “catfish” and allowing us to see a sensitive, lonely woman succumb to a devilish entrapment helplessly yet altogether knowingly. The story conveys a thrilling level of consciousness, overwhelmed yet in full knowledge of what is happening and even why, enabling Mellen author to speak in a manner that transcends her personal experience, to the universal vulnerability of the human heart. As the scam unfolds, she makes connections between present and past - the work she has done and people she has encountered over her decades of research, investigations and writing. Sherlock Being Catfished is an undeniably unique and penetrating look at the world of internet dating, and how anyone, regardless of their prolific life’s work and accomplishments, can fall victim to a romance scammer.


    • Seven Commandments of the-Sacred Buffalo Calf Woman

      Seven Commandments of the-Sacred Buffalo Calf Woman

      These teachings were given to Martin through the ancient White Buffalo Calf Woman Pipe as he stepped into his patrilineal and matrilineal heritage as a spiritual leader and holy man in the 1970's. For 25 years, he traveled sharing them with his own people as they began to restore their cultural identity and ceremonies. However, he was also instructed by the Spirit World to share his teachings with everyone - all the colors of mankind with whom he met duringhis travels- he worked to strengthen race reconciliation and to bring healing between Indian and non-Indian people, which continues to this day between the Lakota people and all the spiritual peoples of the world.   This book is everything one ever wanted to know about The Teton Lakota's North American Indigenous people as they were pre-contact from European colonization. We are also offered a glimpse of the spiritual power and highly evolved civilizations they had, that emerged here in America- via oral histories from Lakota Intercessors- just like thosefrom antiquity- such as Moses; the Prophets of the Middle-East; Fu Xi of the I Ching in China; the Toltec Goddess Cihuatyl- also known as the Virgin of Guadalupe in Mexico- and especially the Tibetans, among many others; from the Four Directions of the World. The 7 Commandments of The Sacred Buffalo Calf Woman therefore necessitates a multi-generational biography of Holy Man Martin Highbear- whose direct lineage goes back in written word to 1834- and encompasses Ancestral teachings handed down from generation to generation, along with supra.natural abilities to heal people and to see intothe future, in order to navigate what is to come. It was prophesized by White Buffalo Calf Woman that when the post­ contact and colonized Indigenous people finally returned to their sacred ceremonies, that She would return; much like what is prophesized in the Christian tradition. However, the Lakota were to practice their visions as a way of life- yet honor all the visions of the othercultures- in order for all of the people of the 4 directions of the world to come together in the Medicine Wheel as the 4 colors of humanity, empowering them to help save the world together.  


    • Can't Find Our Way Home: The Boys with the Brands

      Can't Find Our Way Home: The Boys with the Brands

      Jimmy’s life has been full of sadness and terror. He was separated from his biological family and his identical twin brother as an infant and given up for adoption. At the age of approximately eight, he was taken from the pool at the family country club and abused and tortured by a powerful pedophile ring. They hooked Jimmy on heroin in order to control him. He and a wide ring of others abused Jimmy in this way for years using the drugs as a control mechanism. Other boys were captured by this ring of pedophiles and drug dealers. Jimmy and those boys created a family of sorts. A couple of them became familiar to the public through missing posters and printed milk cartons. Mostly they were hidden in plain sight underground. Jimmy’s adoptive father was a powerful lawyer for local organized crime—featured in the movie Casino. He looked out for Jimmy as best her could, may have “disappeared” a few people, but ultimately didn’t want to draw attention to himself or the family. The book reveals the horrendous crimes against children and the way Jimmy and other boys, including his found twin, learned to cope and survive against all odds. Jimmy lived with an empty heart that longed for what he could imagine was a real mom and dad family. In prison, he still grieves for what happened to him.

