
About Us

From the Order of Skull and Bones and how they co-opted education (to bank the minds of our youth) and parts of our government (to profit from illegal drugs) to the importation of Nazis after World War 2 (and their influence on what we’ve become), the Kennedy assassination, 9/11, mind control and sex trafficking, TrineDay has the books for you. 

Because we CAN handle the truth. We CAN take back our country. We CAN hold our representatives accountable and make a better world for our children. The internet and the personal computer allow us to empower ourselves and each other like never before.

There is a right way to live on this beautiful blue ball floating through space, in harmony with our brothers and sisters.

Now we must simply DO it.

Mission Statement
TrineDay is a small publishing house that arose as a response to the consistent refusal of the corporate press to publish many interesting, well-researched and well-written books with but one key “defect”: a challenge to official history that would tend to rock the boat of America’s corporate “culture.” TrineDay believes in our Constitution and our common right of Free Speech.

After helping Daniel Hopsicker launch MadCowPress in 2000 with the publication of Barry and the ‘boys,’ TrineDay opened its own doors in 2002. Our first publication was a reprint of Antony Sutton’s classic: America’s Secret Establishment.
