
European History, Politics

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    • Robert Morris: Inside the Revolution

      Robert Morris: Inside the Revolution

      America is a country full of entrepreneurs, but few know the historical basis for their existence. The country's history is presented as a narrative where slave holding farmers of the South, and the hard scrapple fishermen and sailors of New England somehow created a nation that utilizes banks, credit, manufacturing and commerce to become the richest nation on earth. This makes no sense, so to the answer to the question they add in Hamilton, who was a political appointee for five years. Oddly, Hamilton was not an entrepreneur. The winners write the history. Robert Morris's party, the Federalists, lost the election of 1800, after that there was little interest in explaining Morris's contributions, his struggles, or his victories. This is why so many people know only the caricature painted by his political opposites, i.e., Robert Morris went bankrupt, but few people know any more than that about him. There's no propaganda like old propaganda, I guess, so this is why modern historians don't like making room for him in the panoply of Founding Fathers. Too bad for them. Morris was no third tier player. During his lifetime, Morris operated an international smuggling network, financed the war, ran the Continental Navy, started the first bank, held the first executive office, had an interest in 250 privateer vessels and used some of these to attack the British slave trade. He started the mint, provided the designs for the first six ships in the Navy he championed, got rid of religious test laws, helped Hamilton become Secretary of the Treasury, chaired 40 senatorial committees, and signed all three founding documents, just for example. Only one of those accomplishments would have made a career. For his trouble, Morris was investigated for years by his political opposites, and ultimately their treachery contributed to his downfall. Morris isn't overlooked because he did too little, but rather because he did so much, for so many, that his practical contributions make others, who excelled only at politics, look puny in comparison. Leaving Morris out, also satisfies small minded people who think there were no great men in history. Omitting Morris makes the current narrative look a bit flimsy, as it rests on false theories of exploitation, and myths of inevitability. The reaction to that slanted view provides the basis for so many of the misunderstandings we see in America today. This book weaves Robert Morris back into the story of America's founding. This naturally, forces the reader to understand how a radical idea like laissez-faire capitalism contributed to independency. The book also provides context for the American Revolution, and demonstrates the political, cultural, and economic forces of the day. Morris, an immigrant and orphan at 16, was the personification of American capitalism. His ideas in favor of economic development, industrialization, trade, and the growth of the middle class, ran headlong into the culture of the distressed cavaliers within the Old Dominion. Exploring this conflict reveals how our modern system arose far from the farms and fields of the 18th century, and instead, grew out of the spirit of risk coming from the merchant traders in the bustling port cities. Some of the content fills in long overlooked details, so be prepared to have your eyes opened. For example, many people think the arrival of the French fleet at Yorktown in 1781, was some kind of miracle, but they were not told that Morris, as Agent of Marine, coordinated that arrival with Washington's. Fewer still know America went bankrupt before Morris was called in, or that he personally put up more money for the war during one year, than all the states combined. This book uncovers these, and many other back stories that have been glossed over, over the years. Robert Morris, Inside the Revolution is based on the facts; many are surprising, some are not pretty, but after reading this, today's America will make more sense. 


    • Royal Vengeance

      Royal Vengeance

      Was Princess Diana murdered? Yes, she was. That part is easily seen—even the means are known. She was gravely injured in a deliberate car wreck that immediately killed two other people, and she was then allowed to slowly bleed to death from internal injuries. But why? And to what end? She stirs up our passions even today—but she will never die. Not really. She has joined the Pantheon. Diana began life as we all do—but then, she revealed herself in her goddess form, and the world responded. And we still respond, even though she has returned to the place where there is no time, and even though we no longer see her moving amongst us. She was a bridge figure, both human and divine. We have met such figures before, through all the ages—gods and goddesses, saints and saviors—and their fate has always been the same. They have always been killed. But by whom? And to what purpose? Royal Vengeance answers all these questions and more.   This is a pre-Order. Book projected be ???? ...  


    • Beyond Revanche: The Death of La Belle Epoque

      Beyond Revanche: The Death of La Belle Epoque

      Nations go to war in a blare of trumpets and glory for high designs like Defence of the smaller nation, Democracy and Justice. Behind this rhetoric is the pain and anguish of slaughter, misery, starvation and death so that rich men grow richer. Beyond Revanche exposes the grotesque injustice of a world war within which small group of French policemen in the Deuxieme Bureau have to come to terms with the reality of destruction. Stretched to the limit they seek answers to the conundrum of who is actually controlling the war in France and beyond. The conspiracy they unearth threatens their very survival and that of France itself. Politics and injustice, sacrifice and conspiracy, violence and murder stalk the grand boulevards of Paris while the apparent ravings of a madman sheds a completely different light on events in the city and the politics of division. This fast-paced story will enthral both readers who have no knowledge of the exposure of the French capital to capitulation in the first weeks of the war and those who have some awareness of these shocking times. The sheer complicity of rich and powerful men who willed the evil to their own advantage beggars belief. The main thread of events are witnessed by a young detective struggling to find acceptance and an assassin who is groomed to commit the final ‘necessary’ crime before war was declared in 1914. The following four years become an eye-opener to a truth which has been long buried.   Pre-order. Release date -- April 7, 2022


    • The Two Edwards

      The Two Edwards

      How King Edward VII and Foreign Secretary Sir Edward Grey Fomented the First World War By Peter Hof The Two Edwards is unique in that it concentrates on the leading role played by King Edward VII and Foreign Secretary Edward Grey, which is mentioned peripherally—if at all—by others. King Edward is acknowledged as the author of the Triple Entente, but his motive for doing so is rarely mentioned.Historians complain with considerable truth that the pre-War British imperialists acted in secret and took pains to conceal their designs from the public and are therefore obliged to rely excessively on inference, deduction and, sometimes, outright speculation and conjecture. By contrast the actions of the King and his Foreign Secretary left a trail of records and documents which are part and parcel of the historical record and are hardly obscured by the destruction of personal letters and papers which was ordered by Edward VII and Edward Grey. In short, the two Edwards left a permanent documentary trail which reveals the motives and intent of the powerful imperialists who secretly incited the British and German empires to confrontation and whose political New-World-Order descendants remain active to this day. Peter Hof played the slide trombone professionally with many well-known musicians including Stan Kenton, Harry James, Ray Charles, The Temptations and Billy Preston. Fed up with music business, he joined the Los Angeles County Computer Center and worked there as a computer programmer for 33 years. In the 1970s he conducted a series of lectures at the Great War Society in San Francisco) and wrote articles for their official publication, Relevance. He is the author of Our Century, and lives in the Los Angeles area.   SOCIAL SCIENCE192 PAGES, 6 X 9FORMATS: TRADE PAPER, EPUB, MOBIPOCKETTRADE PAPER, $19.95 (US $19.95) (CA $26.95)PUBLICATION DATE: MAY 2018ISBN 9781634241748RIGHTS: WORTRINE DAY (MAY 2018)


    • Prolonging the Agony  How the Anglo-American Establishment Deliberately Extended WWI

      Prolonging the Agony How the Anglo-American Establishment Deliberately Extended WWI

      The fact that governments lie is generally accepted today, but World War I was the first global conflict in which millions of young men were sacrificed for hidden causes. They did not die to save civilization; they were killed for profit and in the hopes of establishing a one-world government. By 1917, America had been thrust into the war by a President who promised to stay out of the conflict. But the real power behind the war consisted of the bankers, the financiers, and the politicians, referred to, in this book, as The Secret Elite. Scouring government papers on both sides of the Atlantic, memoirs that avoided the censor's pen, speeches made in Congress and Parliament, major newspapers of the time, and other sources, Prolonging the Agony maintains that the war was deliberately and unnecessarily prolonged and that the gross lies ingrained in modern "histories" still circulate because governments refuse citizens the truth. Featured in this book are shocking accounts of the alleged Belgian "outrages," the sinking of the Lusitania, the manipulation of votes for Herbert Hoover, Lord Kitchener's death, and American and British zionists in cahoots with Rothschild's manipulated Balfour Declaration. The proof is here in a fully documented exposé—a real history of the world at war. SOCIAL SCIENCE480 PAGES, 6 X 9FORMATS: TRADE PAPERTRADE PAPER, $24.95 (US $24.95) (CA $31.95)PUBLICATION DATE: NOVEMBER 2017ISBN 9781634241564RIGHTS: US & CATRINE DAY (NOV 2017)


    • Wall Street and the Russian Revolution 1905-1925

      Wall Street and the Russian Revolution 1905-1925

      by Richard B. Spence Wall Street and the Russian Revolution will give readers critical insight into what might be called the “Secret History of the 20th century.” The Russian Revolution, like the war in which it was born, represents the real beginning of the modern world. This book will look not just at the sweep of events, but probe the economic, ideological and personal motivations of the key figures involved, revealing heretofore unknown or misunderstood connections. Was Trotsky, for instance, a political genius, an unprincipled egomaniac, or something of each? Readers should come away with not only a far deeper understanding of what happened in Russia a century ago, but also what happened in America and how that still shapes the relations of the two countries today. “... what this book emphasizes is conspiracy fact. The Russian Revolution, like every revolution, was by nature conspiratorial. You cannot organize the overthrow of a regime without conspiracy, or you won’t be organizing very long. Business is no different. As good old Adam Smith observed in The Wealth of Nations, ‘People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public…’ A trust is a conspiracy, and so are stock raids and corporate takeovers. Conspiracy begets conspiracy. Simply put, conspiracy is not the exception in human behavior, it is the norm.” Dr. Richard B. Spence is a professor of history at the University of Idaho where he has taught since 1986. His interests include modern Russian, military, espionage and occult history. He is the author of Boris Savinkov: Renegade on the Left (East European Monographs/Columbia Univ. Press, 1991), Trust No One: The Secret World of Sidney Reilly (Feral House, 2002) and Secret Agent 666: Aleister Crowley, British Intelligence and the Occult (Feral House, 2008). He is also the author of numerous articles in Revolutionary Russia, Intelligence and National Security, International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence, The Historian, New Dawn and other publications. He has served as a commentator/consultant for the History Channel and the International Spy Museum. HISTORY288 PAGES, 6 X 9FORMATS: TRADE PAPERTRADE PAPER, $19.95 (US $19.95) (CA $24.95)PUBLICATION DATE: JUNE 2017ISBN 9781634241236RIGHTS: WOR


    • The Great Heroin Coup

      The Great Heroin Coup

      Drugs, Intelligence & International Fascism By Henrik Krüger & Jerry Meldon, Foreword by Peter Dale Scott In this new edition of a cult classic, Henrik Krüger and Jerry Meldon have added new material and provided updates of the investigations Danish investigative author Henrik Krüger set out to write a book about Christian David, a French criminal with a colorful past, and wound up writing a book—originally published in 1980—that spans all continents and names names all the way up to Richard Nixon. The Nixon administration and CIA wanted to eliminate the old French Connection and replace it with heroin from the Golden Triangle, partly in order to help finance operations in Southeast Asia. The book delves into the relationships between French and U.S. intelligence services and organized crime probing into the netherworld of narcotics, espionage, and international terrorism. It uncovers the alliances between the Mafia, right-wing extremists, neo-fascist OAS and SAC veterans in France, and Miami-based Cuban exiles. It lifts the veil on the global networks of parafascist terrorists who so frequently plot and murder with impunity, thanks to their relationships and services to the intelligence agencies of the so-called "free world." In short, this updated edition tells a story which our own media have systematically failed to tell. Henrik Krüger is a Danish freelance journalist and a former foreign editor of the Copenhagen daily Politiken. Jerry Meldon is a professor at Tufts University. Peter Dale Scott is a former Canadian diplomat and professor emeritus at the University of California–Berkeley. He is a leading political analyst and poet., and the author of several books, including American War Machine: Deep Politics, the CIA Global Drug Connection, and the Road to Afghanistan; Deep Politics and the Death of JFK; Drugs, Oil, and War: The United States in Afghanistan, Colombia, and Indochina; The Road to 9/11: Wealth, Empire, and the Future of America; and The War Conspiracy: JFK, 9/11, and the Deep Politics of War. He lives in Berkeley, California. HISTORY288 PAGES, 6 X 9FORMATS: TRADE PAPER, MOBIPOCKET, EPUBTRADE PAPER, $24.95 (US $24.95) (CA $29.95)PUBLICATION DATE: JANUARY 2016ISBN 9781634240185RIGHTS: WORTRINE DAY (JAN 2016)

    • Tavistock Institute  Social Engineering the Masses

      Tavistock Institute Social Engineering the Masses

      The real story behind the Tavistock Institute and its network, from an intriguing best-selling author The Tavistock Institute, in Sussex, England, describes itself as a nonprofit charity that applies social science to contemporary issues and problems. But this book posits that it is the world's center for mass brainwashing and social engineering activities. It grew from a somewhat crude beginning at Wellington House into a sophisticated organization that was to shape the destiny of the entire planet, and in the process, change the paradigm of modern society. In this eye-opening work, both the Tavistock network and the methods of brainwashing and psychological warfare are uncovered. With connections to U.S. research institutes, think tanks, and the drug industry, the Tavistock has a large reach, and Tavistock Institute attempts to show that the conspiracy is real, who is behind it, what its final long term objectives are, and how we the people can stop them. HISTORY240 PAGES, 6 X 9FORMATS: TRADE PAPER, EPUB, MOBIPOCKETTRADE PAPER, $24.95 (US $24.95) (CA $29.95)PUBLICATION DATE: SEPTEMBER 2015ISBN 9781634240437RIGHTS: WORTRINE DAY (SEP 2015)


    • Maggie's Hammer

      Maggie's Hammer

      In November 1988, Hugh John Simmonds CBE, Margaret Thatcher’s favorite speechwriter and the author’s best friend, boss and political mentor, turned up dead in a woodland glade a few miles from their sleepy suburban hometown 20 miles west of London. To learn why his best friend was murdered, Geoffrey Gilson journeyed into the dangerous world of international arms deals, covert intelligence operations and high-level political corruption and discovered a secret that explains much of contemporary history. A quest for truth which, after 20 years of high-risk adventure coupled with painstaking research and firsthand interviews, uncovered the ugly reality that, for some 30 years, the various governments of Great Britain have loaned their country’s military and intelligence services to the United States, allowing presidents from Reagan to Obama to pursue their covert foreign and military policies without the encumbrance of congressional oversight. SOCIAL SCIENCE248 PAGES, 6 X 9FORMATS: TRADE PAPERTRADE PAPER, $29.95 (US $29.95) (CA $35.95)PUBLICATION DATE: AUG 2015ISBN 9781634240093RIGHTS: US, CA, AU & NZTRINEDAY (JUN 2015)


    • Perfectibilists


      The shadowy Illuminati grace many pages of fiction as the sinister all-powerful group pulling the strings behind the scenes, but very little has been printed in English about the actual Enlightenment-era secret society, its activities, its members, and its legacy … until now.First choosing the name Perfectibilists, their enigmatic leader Adam Weishaupt soon thought that sounded too bizarre and changed it to the Order of theIlluminati.Presenting an authoritative perspective, this definitive study chronicles the rise and fall of the fabled Illuminati, revealing their methods of infiltrating governments and education systems, and their blueprint for a successful cabal, which echoes directly forward through groups like the Order of Skull & Bones to our own era.Describing this clandestine community in encyclopedic detail, with more than 1,000 notes, the book discusses contemporaneous accounts as well as original documents of the Illuminati themselves. Featuring biographies of more than 400 confirmed members and copiously illustrated, this book brings light to a 200-year-old mystery. History, Philosophy531 pages, Trade Paper, 6 x 9$24.95 (CAN $21.95)9780977795383 (0977795381)

    • Moscow Traffic: An International thriller

      Moscow Traffic: An International thriller

      Russian History told as a romance wrapped in a crime thriller.Moscow Traffic is an international thriller that exposes the roots of a vast Russian human trafficking network through the eyes of Seattle forensic psychologist Peter Stone as he travels to Moscow in search of his missing lover, opera star Caroline Luke. Her empty coffin and passport have arrived at SeaTac airport with Russian documents declaring her dead. Without a body, neither American or Russian police will investigate further, which forces his decision to leave his comfortable life in Seattle and plunge head-first into the perverse world of international organized crime and human trafficking. On his hero's journey, Peter crosses paths with victims, perpetrators, buyers, sellers, saints, ghosts and thieves as the borders of morality and reality blur in a society tormented by its past and fearful of the future. Peter finds himself spinning out of control as he confronts the mystery of his own family's twisted past and its role in the crime that has caused so much pain to Caroline. In a world where nothing is what it seems and only the most adaptable survive, Peter and Caroline must undergo the unearthing of long-hidden secrets that threatens their future. Can either find the strength to confront the past and take a stand against injustice?   December 2023


    • Fraud of Turin

      Fraud of Turin

      What more is there to add about the Shroud of Turin? The linen cloth with the faint image of the crucified Jesus in the position of burial is perhaps more popular today than at any other time. But the Shroud unlocks for us another world, a forgotten world.THE FRAUD OF TURIN, written by Catholic writer James Day, objectively reviews the evidence for a medievalcreation, but it is written for religious believers, art lovers, and history buffs showing just how all consuming the Passion of Jesus Christ was to the medieval mind.What emerges is an epic journey with crusaders to Jerusalem's Holy Sepulcher, into Arthurian lore and the search for the Holy Grail, and across the Black Sea into mysterious Constantinople. James Day boldly sets out to find the truth of the world's most famous religious artifact.


    • Two World Wars and Hitler: Who was Responsible?

      Two World Wars and Hitler: Who was Responsible?

      Two World Wars and Hitler: Who Was Responsible? by Jim Macgregor and John O’Dowd takes readers on a deep dive into the murky waters of global politics, exposing the intricate web of money, foreign agents, and geopolitical schemes that shaped the events of the 20th century. This book challenges the accepted narratives surrounding the causes of the two world wars and Adolf Hitler’s rise to power, peeling back layers of propaganda to uncover hidden truths. The authors bring their medical and academic backgrounds to bear on a meticulously researched investigation, connecting dots that span continents and decades. From the clandestine dealings of financial elites to the machinations of intelligence operatives, the authors argue that the outcomes of these conflicts were anything but inevitable. They propose that powerful individuals and institutions actively manipulated the course of history, prioritizing profit and dominance over the welfare of nations and humanity. This provocative analysis reframes well-known events, offering evidence that reveals the deeper, often unsettling, forces at play in the global arena. Whether you are a history enthusiast, a student of geopolitics, or simply curious about the forces that shape our world, this book is an invitation to question what you thought you knew. Macgregor and O’Dowd’s exploration is both eye-opening and unsettling, calling readers to reconsider the narratives that have long dominated textbooks and media. Two World Wars and Hitler is a compelling read for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the power structures that continue to influence our world today. Spring 2025

